



オデッサ海事大学60周年記念祝典 - 2004.6



ウクライナ国、オデッサ市にある Odessa Maritime Academy より、井上欣三教授に開学60周年記念祝典に出席の招待状が届けられ、祝辞を述べていただきたいとの依頼がきました。

記念式典は、2004年6月5日~7日の3日間の予定で行われます。 オデッサ海事大学の総長 Prof. Dr. Mykhaylo V. Miyusov 氏と Capt. Dmytro Zhukov 氏は、操船シミュレータを用いた安全管理の研究分野において、井上教授グループの研究業績に大きな関心をよせていました。


Odessa National Maritime Academy 創立60周年記念祝典に寄せる言葉

Professor Dr. Kinzo Inoue
Kobe University, Maritime Faculty

本日、Odessa National Maritime Academy の創立60周年記念祝典にお招きにあずかり、また、お祝いのスピーチをする機会を得たことは、私個人にとっても神戸大学海事科学部にとっても、まことに光栄なことであります。




Odessa Maritime Academyにおかれましては、総長Prof. Dr. Mykhaylo V. Miyusov氏がそのヘッドとなり、Capt. Dmytro Zhukov 氏が補佐役となって、国際海事大学連合(International Association of Maritime Universities, IAMU) の Working GroupⅡつまり、次世代の陸上海事安全管理の分野における研究の新しい推進者に就任されました。そこでは、総長 Prof. Dr. Mykhaylo V. Miyusov 氏と Dmytro Zhukov 氏は非常に興味深い研究テーマを提案されました。私は、すぐさまその研究メンバーになることを申し出まして、いまやその一員であり、これから一緒に研究を行えることを楽しみにしているところです。

このように、Odessa National Maritime Academyは、海事管理分野における研究に高いポテンシャルを有していることを私は理解しています。ぜひ私どもと一緒に新しい海事教育のモデルを設計し、そして、陸上海事安全管理の分野における研究を共同で推進していこうではありませんか。

最後にもう一度、Odessa National Maritime Academyのの創立60周年記念祝典にお招きいただいたことにお礼を申し上げ、さらに次の60年に向けての貴大学の発展をお祈りして、記念のスピーチといたします。

Congratulatory Address for the 60th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony of Odessa National Maritime Academy

Professor Dr. Kinzo INOUE
Kobe University,
Faculty of Maritime Sciences

First of all, I'd like to extend my appreciation to Rector Prof. Dr. Mykhaylo Miyusov for inviting me to the 60th anniversary celebration ceremony of the Odessa National Maritime Academy. It is a great honor to me to deliver a congratulatory speech as a representative of the Kobe University, Faculty of Maritime Sciences.

The Odessa National Maritime Academy, as a maritime education and training institute, has contributed to producing qualified seafarers, and providing not only Ukrainian maritime companies but also the international maritime market with trained human resources.

This contribution responds well to the international maritime industry's needs, during a period featured by the internationalization of shipping industries and the internationalization of seafarers. I believe that further contributions will be expected in the future.

In the maritime labor market, Japan has shifted over from being a supply country to a demand country over the past 30 years. With this shift, we have been obliged to change the educational contents of maritime universities in Japan; in other words, the change from educating and training seafarers to developing managers who work for maritime companies on shore.

However, there is no doubt that seafarers should have sufficient on-board experience if they are to become good managers on shore. At Kobe University, Faculty of Maritime Sciences, I personally expect such educational design model that under-graduate school trains highly efficient seafarers beyond international standards, and post-graduate school provides academic programs that educate on-shore managers with outstanding maritime management skills and capabilities.

To realize this plan, not only Kobe University but also other universities that wish to have the same goal as ours are required to have a research capability over broader management skills from technological fields to sociological fields.

Representing Odessa National Maritime Academy, Rector Prof. Dr. Mykhaylo Miyusov and Capt. Dmytro Zhukov became Head and Deputy Head of Working Group II of the International Association of Maritime Universities, respectively.

They are considered to be new promoters of studies of maritime safety management for the next generation, focusing on management from the shore-side. Rector Prof. Dr. Mykhaylo Miyusov and Capt. Dmytro Zhukov proposed a very interesting subject for study. Inspired by it, I immediately requested to become a member of the study group. I am looking forward to studying the subject together with them.

As the example of the outstanding performance of Rector Prof. Dr. Mykhaylo Miyusov and Capt. Dmytro Zhukov shows, I understand that Odessa National Maritime Academy has great potential for studies and researches of maritime management. Therefore, I would like to invite you to design new models of maritime education, and promote researches of maritime safety management from the shore, hand in hand with us.

Again, I thank you for inviting me to the 60th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony of Odessa National Maritime Academy, and I conclude by wishing you even greater success over the next 60 years.








国際活動 - 2004年度